The registration fee is due upon submission and is non-refundable. 

Parent/Guardian 1 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 Information

Child's Information

Registration Options

Morning Classes

  • This is a class for 3 year olds only and runs on Monday, and Wednesday from 9am-11.30am September 18th to May 15th.

  • This class is for 3 year olds only and runs on Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-11.30am September 19th to May 16th

Afternoon Classes

  • This is a class for 3 and 4 year old's, and runs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30pm -3pm September 18th to May 16th


  • This is a class for 4 & 5 year olds who have completed a year of Nursery School. This class runs from Monday to Friday from 9:00 -11:30am from September 11th to June 20th


Release/ Emergency Contact Information

My Child may be released to the following people (Please do not list parents)

Release Permission

I, the undersigned, hereby enroll my child in the Pearce 4 Kids Child Care Center beginning in the fall of 2025. It is understood that Pearce 4 Kids assumes the responsibility for my child’s well-being during the hours of care and will make every effort to contact the parent should any type of emergency arise. I agree that in case of accident or injury, emergency medical care may be given in the event that I (or designated persons) cannot be reached. I also give consent for my child to take part in field trips or excursions away from the facility under the supervision of the P4K staff. Because P4K staff have obligations outside of their time commitment to my child during the program time, I understand that late pick up fees will be charged at a rate of $10.00 per child, in 10 minute increments.

Medical Information

Financial Agreement

I agree to pay tuition in full or make monthly tuition payments per child, per program.

2 day/week cost - $1,208 (monthly payment - $151 over 8 months)200 over 8 months)
Pre-K cost - $2,512 (monthly payment - $314 over 9 months)

I understand that the $53.00 registration fee is not part of the total tuition amount and is non-refundable. As stated in the Nursery School/Pre-K Handbook, a $20.00 late fee will be charged for any tuition payments more than 10 days past due. Withdrawals from the program will be reimbursed as stated in the handbook.

Photograph Permissions

Please check all that apply: 

I give my permission for my child’s picture to be taken and used in the classroom communication and on bulletin boards in the hallway at Pearce 4 Kids.

I give my permission for my child’s picture to be taken and used in publicity about Pearce 4 Kids (no full names will be used without written consent by a parent).

I give my permission for my child’s picture to be taken and used on the official Pearce 4 Kids Facebook public fan page (no names will be published on internet sites without written consent by a parent).

I give my permission for my child’s picture to be taken and used on P4K blogs and/or P4K electronic newsletters (these will be accessible to P4K families only and no names will be published without written consent by a parent).

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

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